I was in the car yesterday when Tyler informed me that boys can run faster than girls. I said, "That's not true, who said that?" "Yes, it is true, Daddy said so." I had to call Mike and tell him he was in trouble because Tyler would be announcing this in pre-school, and Mike would look like a big, fat, male gorilla. Mike suggested I have a race with Tyler to show him that a girl could be faster. We got home and went to the backyard to race. I saw the neighbors on their deck and relayed what naughty thing Daddy had said to Tyler (so they wouldn't think I was mean for smoking my 4 year old in a race). We started racing and I accidently tripped Tyler. He started screaming that my foot kicked him SO hard. It was hilarious! I sure taught Tyler a lesson; girls can kick harder too! (We did race again and I made sure to win)
Austin has been feeling a lot better. He is such a happy boy most of the time. He LOVES to play with balls. He will chase a soccer ball aorund in the basement for half an hour. He also loves to wave. He will stand on the couch (with someone there in case he falls) and wave away. It is so cute.