Tyler has asked Santa for an Optimus Prime transformer for Christmas. We are going to Mike's parents in AZ for Christmas, and we don't want to pack 99 suitcases. So, I thought, "easy, I'll just order it and have it shipped to AZ." No, not easy. Apparantly Optimus Prime is this years Cabbage Patch Kid, and is sold out everywhere. Some scam artists on e-bay are charging twice the price plus 20 bucks to ship it. Um, no thanks. I really don't know what to do. We are just hoping we can locate one before Christmas or Santa will have to leave an IOU under the tree. I'm not usually like this, but this is the first year Tyker really GETS Santa and I don't want to crush all his dreams. We need Tyler to believe in Santa for many more years. All I have to do is start "dialing" the North Pole to get Tyler's behavior to turn around (thanks Mom for using this on us). "No mom, I'll be good, I'm sorry, PLEASE don't call Santa!"
Sunday, December 9, 2007
santa baby- an optimus prime for me
Posted by Sheri King at 6:25 PM 3 comments
Thursday, December 6, 2007
It's begining to look a lot like Christmas
Austin started off the day with his favorite new activity. We are now using 5 times more TP than usual, but it is so cute!
Here is Tyler right before his pre-school Christmas program. He looked very handsome.
Austin was all over the place while we waited for his brother to sing.
Here is Tyler during the program. He actually sang this time and wasn't off in his own world.Finally here is the "gingerbread" house Tyler made today at pre-school.
Tyler said a funny thing today. He was watching TV and every commercial he saw he would ask for that toy. I said Tyler, "how come you want EVEY toy you see, you can't have that many toys." He responded, "then why does every single toy have to be so cool?" Yes, the advertisers are certainly doing their job this holiday season.
Posted by Sheri King at 5:44 PM 2 comments