Today I went to Tyler's class and took pictures of the kids for their Ellis Island passports. Here is Tyler as an immigrant boy. Maybe his shirt doesn't really go with the vintage theme...
Monday, January 31, 2011
Immigrant boy
Posted by Sheri King at 10:12 AM 2 comments
Friday, January 28, 2011
Happy Birthday Caroline
Our sweet baby girl turned one yesterday. (I may have to re-create her birthday for photo purposes, these are the WORST pictures). Caroline has been an angel child. We are so lucky to have her. Right now her favorite thing to do is pretend she is on the phone. Everything is a phone, even Austin's batman guys. She crawls everywhere, and can stand, but has no interest in walking. She sucks her thumb, but only when she's sleeping. She has crazy hair and 4 teeth. We all love her so much.
Posted by Sheri King at 5:14 PM 5 comments
Friday, January 14, 2011
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Dreams do come true
When I would dream of having a girl, I would imagine a chubby little tummy in a bikini. I just think it is probably the cutest thing ever. I put Caroline in an itsy bitsy bikini today and Viola, it was just as I had dreamed...
Posted by Sheri King at 4:29 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Posted by Sheri King at 9:02 AM 1 comments
Monday, January 10, 2011
Friday, January 7, 2011
Does he look sick to you? Poor Tyler is victim #5 to what Mike and I will attest is one of the most vicious stomach flus EVER. We thought that little iron tummy (AKA Tyler) might be spared, but he succumbed. He has actually been hoping for the stomach flu so he could miss school. After he had a nasty episode last night, he was still hovering over the toilet and happily said, "I guess this means I'm not going to school tomorrow". He seems totally okay this morning and asked for sausage for breakfast. The stomach flu must be easier on the young.
Posted by Sheri King at 11:19 AM 0 comments
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Despite yet ANOTHER wrestling match that re-opened Austin's wound on Christmas day, it is healing up nicely. The scar might be Harry Potteresque.
Posted by Sheri King at 9:33 AM 0 comments
Monday, January 3, 2011

Posted by Sheri King at 1:42 PM 2 comments