Tyler and his cousins Tate, Lucas and Caleb at the Mesa Temple

Tyler and his cousin Tate ate the turkey drumstick on Christmas Eve

Austin stayed close to Daddy

I played Mary for the Christmas program

Tyler did the traditional "olive fingers"

Tyler insisted that he (not Austin) play baby Jesus

Christmas morning Tyler opened his cool Optimus Prime voice changing helmet

Then, he opened a treasure chest that Grandpa made for him.

Horrible picture, but this is Tyler's and my favorite new game (thanks Laura) GO DDR!

Austin discovered the joy of slides in AZ

Tyler had a great time keeping up with his cousins

Austin's cousin Lucas showed Austin how to slide head first

Mike showed Tyler how to jump off a swing and get a wood chip splinter

Tyler misses his cousins every day now!
We had a great vacation. First, Mike and i dropped the kids off in AZ and went on a cruise for my Granma's 80th birthday. We went to Mexico and had a great time. I will post some pictures of that later. We missed our kids after a week and went back to AZ for Christmas. Tyler had the time of his life playing with his cousins all day and into the night. ( Although he was very grouchy and off schedule) We had a fun, relaxing Christmas and headed back to freezing cold Illinois after almost 3 weeks of partying. Back to reality...
Sheri you are a sexy Mary:) DDR is so fun I'm glad I'm not the only one who loves games for twelve year olds:)
I finally looked at your blog and read some of your past posts. You crack me up and I remember now why we were such good friends in college. Your boys are both sooo cute! The last time I saw Tyler he was just a newborn. How quickly they grow. I've set up a blog, but I need to put some posts on it first. I'll send you my address soon. Take care!
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