We are LOVING San Diego, but HATE moving. Good thing I want to stay here because Iwill never move again. My little heart can only take so much clutter and mess. Everything is great here except the unpacking has not yet commenced. Anyone want to come help? The kids are adjusting. I think Tyler even has accepted that he lives in California. We registered him for kindergarden, and this was so exciting for him. He has made friends with the kids next door, and he looks out the window 50 times a day to see if they are playing in their backyard. The weather has been fantastic and I can't say i'm missing IL weather. We do miss our friends, and think of them often. Although, Tyler wins the contest for missing his friends the most!
Our first week here Mike's grandpa's wife passed away in LA. We had a lot of unexpected company and chaos, but it was great to see everyone. I promise next time you visit, a much cleaner, more organized house! We visited the tide pools with Sam's family and Grandma and Grandpa. The pictures above are the tide pools in La Jolla.
You guys look like you are where you belong!! I'm happy for you guys but miss you!
How exciting to be on the beach in sunny California. I am jealous. I hope the unpacking won't be to bad. We miss you back in Humid Illinois.
There is still time to come back... Does Mike talk about how much he misses me every day?? Tell him I miss him. Work isn't the same without him busting hole in my office
Yeah! Glad you're there. Good luck unpacking!
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