Today is the anniversary of my Dad's death. It has been 7 years, and I could tell you (in minute detail) all about that day 7 years ago. I remember everything from that day, and in some ways it really does seem like it just happened. But, in other ways, it seems like I've been without my Dad for so long. I miss so much about him, but mostly I wish I could see him with my kids. I know that he sees them, but I wish he was here to see them grow up. They won't know him in this life, and that stinks!
I dread this day. It makes me sad. But, it also helps me remember. I'm thinking about the Bryces today too. I don't know if any of you read this, but if you do, I thought of all your family today. I'm also thinking of my family today too. We all miss him, and I think today we all reflect and remember that awful day.
Today I got two things in the mail. The first was a copy of my Grandma's history book. First, I turned to the part where she wrote about my Dad's death. My Dad was very close to his parents, and when he died it was VERY hard on both of them. It was so touching to read my Grandma's account of that time period. I know she misses him so much. Thanks Grandma.And on a much lighter note, here is the second thing I got in the mail. My friend TAMN must have known today was a hard day. I got my "I'm off diet coke" . Check out the return address.
Friday, December 5, 2008
Two things in the mail
Posted by Sheri King at 8:25 PM
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I remember that day like it happened in slow-motion. Just a week or so before, we had had Linc and his wife over for dinner. He was serving in our ward's bishopric, I was the YW president at the time, and he had been sitting in on our lesson that I was teaching that Sunday before. I was in complete shock. I just couldn't believe that they were gone. I still can't. It seemed so impossible that their biggger-than-life personalities wouldn't be greeting me any more, and I am sure for you it was unimaginably harder. But I really do believe that they were called together to serve a mission bigger-than-life, and so needing to pass through death, they were made ready for it. But I still miss my giant-bungee water balloon-launching boy next door and my caffeinated pop drinking good friend's Stake-President-for-a-Dad. I can't wait to see them again and hear all about the work and adventures they've done together. And knowing them, it will be a great story!
Love you, Sheri!
I'm sorry about your Dad, I know from the short time of knowing you, that you loved him and miss him.
What I also know, from the short time of knowing you, is that you love your diet coke, so I am very sorry about that.
I am also sorry about spelling your name wrong for so long.
Let's face it, I am a sorry person.
I can completely remember that day as well. I was so shocked and so sad. You never think anything like that would ever happen! Your dad was such a tease and fun to be around. I still remember how happy he looked on your wedding day. I'm sure he is watching your little family with a big smile on his face!
P.S. we found a place to live!!!!
Ok, Sheri, I admit it. Every once in awhile I hop on your blog via Brittany's just to see what's up with you guys in CA. Glad I came and read this post today, for two reasons. One, I remember the conversation I had with you when you told me about your dad's death. It was at Enrichment and Shani was there too. It's always stuck with me. And two, I LOVE Seriously So Blessed! It gives me my daily dose of laughter that I need. Thought you'd get a kick out of that. Merry Christmas!!
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