A Leopard shark (not my picture, but exactly what it looked like)

I'm a big fat wuss, but we've been hearing about this place in La Jolla where tons of leopard sharks come to hang out in the warmer months. We've been wanting to go snorkeling there for while. Well, today was the big day, we got a babysitter and headed out (at 8 AM, crazy). My friend lent me a wetsuit, and I got into the water looking like a giant, pregnant black seal. Soon after we got in, we started to see MANY sharks. I was under the impression that the sharks were going to be like 3 feet long. Um, no people, lots of them were like 5 or 6 feet long. The kicker was that we were only in water like 4 feet deep. I was terrified to put my feet down, and terrified they would want to take a nip at the pregnant seal in the water. These are completely docile, bottom feeding sharks that never attack people, but I was worried that there may be a man eater hanging out along with them. it was truly freaky. The poor people at the beach had to hear my screams of terror. While we were heading in to shore, I wouldn't touch my feet to the bottom until my belly hit the sand. It was amazing, but I was way more scared than I thought I would be. It was a great expreience so come visit us, and Mike will take you in the water while I watch from the sand...
I can still hear the muffled screams!!! It was a blast!
That sounds really fun...King Family Vacation San Diego Summer 2010
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