Friday, December 31, 2010
Tyler's first football game
Posted by Sheri King at 4:16 PM 1 comments
Sunday, December 19, 2010
It was bound to happen...
Tyler yelled, "I saw his meat!"
Posted by Sheri King at 8:47 PM 4 comments
Friday, December 17, 2010
Tyler LOVES whipped cream
Mike: "Tyler, if there was a pile of whipped cream on top of a dog turd would you lick the whipped cream off?"
Tyler: "Just the top"
I think he was serious
Posted by Sheri King at 9:08 PM 1 comments
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Posted by Sheri King at 1:37 PM 3 comments
It's the most wonderful time of the year!
Posted by Sheri King at 1:06 PM 3 comments
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Monday, September 20, 2010
I want....
these barstools....
Posted by Sheri King at 4:47 PM 3 comments
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
That's what the little kids sometimes call her. She was a lion last night when she tried ice-cream. She would roar if we were not shoveling it into her mouth. I think she was a fan!
Posted by Sheri King at 2:27 PM 7 comments
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Caroline eats (and rocks two pony tails)
Posted by Sheri King at 7:32 PM 6 comments
Friday, May 28, 2010
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Tyler FINALLY got a visit last night...
from the tooth fairy! Although, losing a tooth wasn't exactly how he envisioned it. On Sunday Mike noticed Tyler was sporting some funky shark teeth. His permanent teeth were growing in behind his baby teeth. His baby teeth weren't loose at all, and we were afraid he was going to have 2 rows of teeth. I took him to the dentist and they decided to pull the baby teeth. Tyler got bubble gum scented laughing gas and watched Sponge Bob. It honestly didn't even faze him. He was just excited for the tooth fairy. Tyler wanted to sleep in Austin's room last night so he had Mike send the tooth fairy this e-mail:
Dear Tooth Fairy,
The dentist pulled two of Tyler's teeth today. He was such a good boy and didn't even cry. He wants you to know that he will be sleeping in Austin's bed and that the two teeth will be in a white container with a red string attached under his pillow. Tyler is sleeping on the right side of the bed and is wearing a dark blue shirt and bakugan pants. I will leave some oreos for you in the kitchen. Thank you.
Love, Tyler
The tooth fairy came, and all is well!

Austin also had a tooth incident last month. While he was wrestling Tyler his mouth hit Tyler's hard head. Austin had a loose tooth. It has now firmed back up, but turned a nice shade of gray. Just lovely! (It actually isn't too noticeable)
Posted by Sheri King at 6:31 PM 12 comments
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
We are surviving here, actually pretty well. If it weren't for the lack of sleep it would be perfection. Austin is hilarious with her. He speaks to her in such a high pitched voice that only dogs can hear him. It is so funny. He loves his baby sister. Tyler every once in a while throws her a, "hi Caroline". He even went and tried to console her last night while I was helping Austin; that is progress. Caroline is smiling, eating, spitting up, sleeping erratically and being cuddled. Sheri needs a solid 8 hours sleep and a tummy tuck, and Mike needs more hours in a day. Life couldn't be better...
Posted by Sheri King at 10:23 AM 7 comments
Monday, February 8, 2010
So far so good...
Posted by Sheri King at 1:41 PM 12 comments
Friday, January 29, 2010
A Baby Story
She's here. Oh, and if we told you she was 17 1/2 inches long (midget-like), the first nurse was wrong. She has lots of dark hair, but most importantly, she actually IS a GIRL! I was induced starting the IV at 4:30 ish in the afternoon. Water was broken at 6:00, and she was out by 7:30. Only 10 minutes of pushing (much better than w/ Tyler and Austin), so she actually has a normal looking head. Best birth by far! So far, she's sleeping and eating like a champ. Austin is so cute w/ her. Tyler hasn't quite taken to her yet, but we are sure that he will eventually get used to her.

Posted by Sheri King at 4:48 PM 16 comments