Caroline Blake King
Jan. 27, 7:29 pm
7 lbs. 10 oz.
19 1/2 inches
She's here. Oh, and if we told you she was 17 1/2 inches long (midget-like), the first nurse was wrong. She has lots of dark hair, but most importantly, she actually IS a GIRL! I was induced starting the IV at 4:30 ish in the afternoon. Water was broken at 6:00, and she was out by 7:30. Only 10 minutes of pushing (much better than w/ Tyler and Austin), so she actually has a normal looking head. Best birth by far! So far, she's sleeping and eating like a champ. Austin is so cute w/ her. Tyler hasn't quite taken to her yet, but we are sure that he will eventually get used to her.

Getting ready to come home
YEAH!!! I am so happy for you guys. She is beautiful! I bet you are so glad you aren't pregnant anymore!! Well, she is a beautiful baby. Can't wait to see her...
I think she looks like baby Sheri! (only not as dark skinned). She is adorable! Glad to see some pictures.
She is adorable! I am glad the birth went well. Guessing the acupuncture didn't work! I am so excited to see you toting around a PINK car seat!
She is so beautiful! Congrats on a baby girl! They are so fun. Good work on the labor too. That is fast!
Congratulations! She is beautiful. So happy for you!
Congratulations!!! She is beautiful!! I'm so excited for you!
She is lovely Sheri, congrats to you and your fam!
She is PERFECT! Congratulations!!!!
Yay!!! I have been checking the blog for weeks it seems waiting for the announcement! :) I know what it's like to get phone call after phone call during your last month asking "how are you feeling?? do you think you're going to have her anytime???" lol! i didn't want to be that friend!! ;) lol! she is beautiful!! can't wait to see her in person! :)
Congratulations! She is a beauty, and you know how I feel about the name Caroline.
What a sweetheart. I am so glad I got to meet her today:) Such a little angel.
Yay for a girl finally! She is beautiful and we can't wait to meet her!
Seriously the cutest thing ever! I love, love, love her hair. Let me know if you need anything.
I AM SO HAPPY FOR YOU!!!!! She is adorable! My computer hasn't been working so I haven't checked my blog and friend's blogs.
Congratulations! She is precious and beautiful. Enjoy all her girliness!
Yaaaaah. I'm so happy for you all. She looks like a King.
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