Caroline Blake King
Jan. 27, 7:29 pm
7 lbs. 10 oz.
19 1/2 inches
She's here. Oh, and if we told you she was 17 1/2 inches long (midget-like), the first nurse was wrong. She has lots of dark hair, but most importantly, she actually IS a GIRL! I was induced starting the IV at 4:30 ish in the afternoon. Water was broken at 6:00, and she was out by 7:30. Only 10 minutes of pushing (much better than w/ Tyler and Austin), so she actually has a normal looking head. Best birth by far! So far, she's sleeping and eating like a champ. Austin is so cute w/ her. Tyler hasn't quite taken to her yet, but we are sure that he will eventually get used to her.

Getting ready to come home