Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Brotherly Love

Tyler and Austin have a new favorite game. One of them gets on the ride-on firetruck and the other pushes. They LOVE this game, and laugh the whole time. It is pretty much the cutest thing in the whole world.

Last night Mike was getting Austin ready for bed, and he heard Tyler praying in the bath tub. Tyler was thanking the Lord for bringing him Austin. It is times like that when you just want to melt from the cuteness.


martha corinna said...

Those pictures are great Sherie.
Austin reminds me so much of Tyler. Adorable.

martha corinna said...

I spelled your name wrong, sorry.

michelle said...

Wings and things yum! Do you have family in SD now?
What beautiful boys! You are so lucky!

Unknown said...

You have two very tender boys. What a blessing! This is the beginning of cuteness.