Thursday, October 4, 2007

Downtown P-town

I have lived in 3 towns in my life: Prescott, Provo and now Peoria. P-town used to mean Prescott, so when people say P-town here I think of Prescott. Today we went to downtown Peoria for a walk. Tyler got soaked in the fountain. Austin has been a GROUCHER so he had to be held the whole time.

Right now Tyler and Austin are actually playing together. Austin will chase (crawl very fast) Tyler when he says, "You can't get me." It's pretty cute that there is real, live interaction between them now.


martha corinna said...

I've heard tons of people refer to Provo as P-town. I like to refer to Provo as 'the hood' :)
What about L-town, it was short lived but oh so sweet, no?